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Research Guides

About This Guide

Science Reading Room, Suzzallo Library, 1954

These are the guidelines by which materials are purchased for the biological sciences collections of the UW Libraries (Seattle Campus).  For questions or more information, please contact the Biological Sciences Librarian.

Subject Definition

Biology is the study of living organisms and includes many specialized fields that cover their anatomy, morphology, physiology, ecology, distribution, taxonomy, behavior and origins. Biology can also refer to the natural history of a certain region or ecosystem.

Botany is the study of plants and zoology is the study of animals. Both subjects include living and extinct species.

Subject Classification

Library of Congress Classification (LC):

  • Biology is covered by the QH schedule .
  • Botany is covered by QK.
  • Zoology is covered by QL.

Dewey Decimal Classification:

  • Within the 500 class (science) of Dewey, biology is covered by the 570's, botany by the 580's and zoology by the 590's.